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Beetles are living everywhere, even in busy cities. There are over four thousand beetle species you can find in our world. The most famous one is a ladybird. Most beetles preferred green environments such as parks, gardens, and forests. We collected some beautiful beetle species around the world. Scroll down to check them out.

#1 Rose chafer (Cetonia aurata)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

This beetle has an iridescent golden-green color, and it is around 20 mm long. It is a giant beetle that can notify quickly. This beetle is found mainly in southern Britain and is now famous in London’s outer suburbs.

#2 Rosemary beetle (Chrysolina americana)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

Rosemary beetles have a metallic green color with purple strips and 8mm kong. You can see them on rosemary and other aromatic plants like lavender between May and October.

#3 Rainbow leaf beetle (Chrysolina cerealis)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

This beetle has metallic bands of green, blue, gold, and red and is about 8mm long. They live on Welsh mountainsides.

#4 Twenty-two-spot ladybird (Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

As the name says, this beetle has 22 black spots. It has a lemon-yellow color and is about 4mm long. You can find them in the woods from April to August.

#5 Wasp beetle (Clytus arietis)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

This beetle has black and yellow and is about 16mm long. It moves like a wasp darting around on logs and flowers. It can be seen from may to july.

#6 Green tiger beetle (Cicindela campetris)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

It has a shiny green color with creamy yellow spots and legs with bonze-purple, which are about 10-15mm long.

#7 Stag beetle (Lucanus cervus)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

They have large antlers, and they are their jaws. About 7.5 cm long and they are black. This beetle larva spends four to six years feeding on rotting tree stumps.

#8 Scarlet lily beetle (Lilioceris lilii)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

It has red with a black head, and it is 8mm long. They eat lilies and some flowers, which gardeners often consider pests.

#9 Thick-legged flower beetle (Oedemera nobilis)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

They have bright metallic green and are about 10mm long. It is also known as the swollen-thighed beetle. It can be seen in gardens from April to September

#10 Spotted longhorn beetle (Rutpela maculata)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

This beetle is long, about 13-20mm, and has yellow with black dots and strips.

#11 Common sexton beetle (Nicrophorus vespilloides)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

It has orange patches on its back on black background. It is 20mm long and can detect the scent of rotting fleshes a mile away.

#12 Acorn weevil (Curculio glandium)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

This beetle has a brownish pattern and is about 4-8mm long. Its long about is the most striking feature, the rostrum.

#13 Golden-bloomed grey longhorn (Agapanthia villosoviridescens)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

It has an extended antenna; without it, the beetle is 25mm long. The antennas are longer than its body.

#14 Tansy beetle (Chrysolina graminis)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

The beetle is bright metallic green with a coppery sheen about 11mm long. Its whole life cycle is spent on and around the plant.

#15 False ladybird (Endomychus coccineus)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

It has black spots on its red body. Adults are about 4-7mm long. It looks like a ladybird, but it’s different than a ladybird.

#16 Sulphur beetle (Cteniopus sulphureus)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

This beetle is about 10mm long, and its color is bright yellow. Because of this, they are easy to spot on the flowers.

#17 Minotaur beetle (Typhaeus typhoeus)

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

It has a glossy black color and is about 20mm long. Male ones have three bull-like horns and use them to defend their nest and compete for females. They recycle nutrients and waste.

#18 Ladybird beetles

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

They are mostly known as ladybugs. They are small, polka-dotted natural pest controllers.

#19 Cockchafers

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

Known as doodlebugs or maybugs and they have antennas like leaves.

#20 Jewel beetles

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

They have an exterior like a jewel. This beetle is used to create jewels and other decorative arts, mainly in Asian countries.

#21 Colorado potato beetles

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

Orange color and black strip on its black.

#22 Giraffe weevils

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

This beetle has a unique long neck like a giraffe. Male one has a longer neck than female ones

#23 Golden tortoise beetles

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

It has a similar look to a tortoise.

#24 Tiger beetles

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

These beetles live as a large group of about 2600 insects. The Australian tiger beetle can run up to 5.6 mph

#25 Dogbane beetles

Stunning Beetle Species That You Have Never Seen Before

It can be found in northeastern America. This beetle belongs to a leaf-eating family called Chrysomelidae.

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