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One Thousand Designs That Will Amaze You, As well as art and artwork, the artists are amazing. They are so diverse that no one has ever created one, and they explore new avenues of design in ways we could never have imagined. The role of a successful designer is to create a new design or design tradition that inspires people.

But in most cases, the imitation design is seen. Or a design that gets stuck in existing models. New art forms are created through the dedication and effort of artists who explore new dimensions of design. Creators aim to create a better world for human beings to live in, creating more enjoyable art for man. Art has the quality of being able to teach man lessons as well as uplift man. The creator who observes what is invisible to man brings it to society as a new work of art.


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?

Nayan and Vaishali, who are so sensitive to nature and diligently observe bird watching, have contributed a valuable collection of works of art. It is the launch of a new art form. It is their hope that through this unique and unique artistic tradition, the entire human race will be made aware of the beauty and importance of rare and endemic birds. Through it, all human beings become conscious of these birds and realize the need to conserve them for the future world. They have a lofty purpose that is as valuable as the value of Nayan and Vaishali’s art.


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?

In 2014, Nayan and Vaishali began their careers as small model makers at NID. With two years of experience, in 2016, they both started their own business, N Villustration. Their hope was to model using paper and wood media. In the midst of all this work, they were interested in making the environment and nature a priority in their lives. On a rainy day in 2017, they saw a yellow bird flying across a stream near their favorite studio. Very fond of that bird, Nayan and Vaishali started creating models of these birds with the intention of protecting such attractive and endemic birds. They decided to make paper models of 1000 such birds within a year and achieved that goal in due course.


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?

This was not an easy task for Nayan and Vaishali. They studied all these 1000 birds very well. By studying the birds’ behavior and behavior patterns and spending time with them, they were able to create a more successful creative group. This was not a difficult task for Nayan and Vaishali but a very interesting experience. The study of birds was an enjoyable experience for them. What they discovered was astonishing. You and I have had the opportunity to gauge the success of their study.


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?

By observing birds created from a paper by Nayan and Vaishali. Those designs are full of vitality. None of that feels to the observer as if they were created. That’s how successful those designs are. No other evidence is required. You can enjoy the designs below. Their vitality will fascinate you.

How Nayan and Vaishali create birds,
After a pre-study of the birds, Nayan and Vaishali draw the birds on a piece of paper. Before every design, drawing this outline contributes to the success of the design. The different layers needed to build the three-dimensional model of the birds identified by the outline are created, separately, on GSM 200 paper.


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?

Then each layer is carefully cut and colored. Using only the naked eye and their hands, these cut-out layers are colored using a dye.
To create the bird in three dimensions, these separate layers are then combined to form the final design.
In creating these birds, the creator creates the same scale as the real bird. Nayan and Vaishali also created birds that are naturally as small as 0.7 inches. It takes Nayan and Vaishali between 4 and 8 hours to create one that is so delicately designed to keep the birds alive.


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?

Nayan and Vaishali’s future hope,
Many have personal expectations. When someone asks you about hope, think for a moment about what you think. A good job, a modern home, a modern car, etc., will probably come to your mind. You may feel the same way about to say this about Nayan and Vaishali’s future prospects. But what I am about to say about Nayan and Vaishali’s future hope is not a story about their Nvillustration campaign or their personal lives.


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?

Their future hope is to share with the world the beauty, importance, and value of rare and endemic birds through their artwork. They hope that this will make everyone appreciate and protect these birds. However, in the face of the current climate change and natural disasters, it is the absolute duty of the people who think that they are the guardians of this planet to save the lives of living beings on this earth.


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?

Nayan and Vaishali try to convey to the whole world through their unique bird creations the value of these endemic and rare birds and the need to conserve them. People who truly go beyond personal goals and strive for common goals are the ones who add a theme to life.


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?


Will You Join Us To Save 1000 Rarities, Which Will Be Introduced To You In 365 Days?

Could you go and check my other article also?


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