A mother with a baby gibbon, with its white-armed arms, deliberately tossed her baby into the lake’s water. It was good that the Zookeeper Zera Bekirovska was on hand since she plunged into the water to pull the barely-surviving baby gibbon out of the water, despite being aware that she was an unfit swimmer. Zoo director Kristijan Stamenov, along with the veterinarian at the zoo, Vesna, were at the scene fast and successfully saved the baby gibbon, which is just seven months old, after performing CPR for about forty minutes.
The baby gibbon is in Zera’s care. She brings him home, and she feeds him. She even is sharing her bed with the gibbon.
It is doing extremely well. He appears like Zera has become his mama. He is not separated from her at any point.
More info: gorananastasovski.com

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