There was a beautiful story about a huge fluffy cat called Kefir. Various countries worldwide have taken to the internet to share pictures of the enormous animal that caused a viral sensation across the internet.
Vincent is another genuinely magnificent big cat that we would like to share today. It isn’t hard to understand why people encounter this Maine coon cat with the kind of fur similar to that of an African black panther. The Maine coon cat is striking because of his size, bright eyes, and silky and black fur.
In addition to that, she also has an Instagram account and is on TikTok. The number of followers he has across the two platforms is over 500 thousand. Not just his videos or pictures enchant users. Still, the charismatic cat entertains them with its owners, Andrey and Anastasia, who find him adorable and think he’s fabulous!
Discover how Andrey and Anastasia from Russia live with their giant cat Vincent

Vincent was the answer to their problem, which was missing something in their relationship.

They decided that Andrey the cat was a good choice since they were young for a baby to be considered.

Bored Panda was informed by André that having an animal in the house could cause problems when leasing an apartment. There aren’t many apartments that allow pets. This couple chose to get this adorable creature because the couple instantly fell in love with its pretty face.

Vincent’s picture was found on the Avito website, which is the equivalent of eBay. It looked as if his muzzle was calling us from the photograph in the ad.”
The day we took Vincent to his new home, I noticed many people were looking at him. The long torso and big head certainly made him different from other cats. However, what most people saw was how human he looked. Several people have commented that he looks like a human.”

At first, the couple had no idea what the cat’s name was. The couple wanted a naturally-occurring name.
As Andrey and Anastasia watched the television show Brassic, the name Vincent was suggested. A bit like a pet, this was how the main character was described.
Currently, Vincent weighs about 20 pounds and is 11 months old.

It has already been hard to get Andrei off the ground

However, Vincent is expected to increase in two or three years.

Meet vincent, A fluffy Maine Coon Cat that looks like a black panther and acts like a dog

The owner of Vincent noticed Vincent draws a lot of attention, so they decided to create a TikTok and Instagram account where they post videos and pictures of Vincent

Today, Vincent has more than 500 thousand followers on his TikTok and Instagram accounts.
Meet Vincent, A Fluffy Maine Coon Cat that looks like a black panther and acts like a dog

In her early years, the cat developed into a highly graceful creature that watches what we do closely while also being sensitive to human pain.”
He is very interested, so he always watches us, whether we are in the bathroom, bedroom, or even inside the bathroom.
With a foil ball made from foil, our cat loves playing football. He takes the ball to bed through his teeth when he gets bored. He then demands that we throw the ball at him and then request it again. This isn’t about the size of the dog.

Whenever we sneeze, he reacts very emotionally, shouting something in his native language in response”

The couple let their cat join them for dinner, which can shock guests by its size and its presence at the table. Rather than preventing their cat from entering them for dinner, they allowed him to lie on the table while they ate. Since he occupies almost the entire table, they were not worried about him.
Andrey describes Maine coon cats as having a unique feature: they produce an unusual noise. It sounds more like a rumbling than a usual ‘meow,’ and the ‘noise’ is more velvety and pleasant.”
As Andrey explained, it’s not as easy as it appears to take care of Vincent. Thus, people should think carefully before purchasing or adopting a pet.

While Vincent can be a bit difficult to handle, he is still a charming cat that loves attention
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