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Photographing is an art and also talent that least people have. In 2020 photographers have organized a competition on best nature photographs after the lockdown to show yet they haven’t stopped celebrating the connection between life and wonders of the earth. It was a good chance for the photographers to escape from the homes that they were trapped due to the pandemic season.

So many awesome and attractive photographs by the great photographers were presented to the competition and only few could win over the competition. The photographs were taken mostly the animal’s photos and nature photos. Here are some of the most amazing photos which were award winners at the World Nature Photography Awards for the year 2020.

They seem to be hardly taken. It is hard to take a good photography. You should have the possibility to sacrifice and think in a creative way in order to capture a decent and enchanting photo and the photographs should be unique and you should have a good aim when capturing. Sometimes photographers spend week, months to capture the best photos. So the photographers have that patience to put on a one best photo. When we see the first prize winners photograph it is totally upside down that is so much unique it shows that uniqueness has a value.

#01 This is the grand prize winners photograph which he named ‘’ The world is going upside down’’ the photographer Thomas Vijayan.

who is a Canadian has said that it was his idea he had in his mind to capture this kind of a rare photograph of a animal which he took placing his camera underneath water he has been waiting up on a tree waiting for hours until the correct moment come to get the best shot so his sacrifice and his effort has brought him the victory. So it is clear that such unique photographers who seek the untouched part of the word are still exists his maturity, patience, sacrifice and his experience with this field might have become the huge assistance to his great success .

#02 The second winner Andy Pollard from Falkland Island has captured a beautiful and heart touching view of a swan with her cygnet on her back. She is cuddling her cygnet on her back which is ostensible swan mothers’ love.

#03 The third winner MR Endy from Singapore has captured a brilliant shot of a Great Horned owl with spread feathers who has just jumped to fly which is a rare position to be taken. This is taken near high river, Canada.

#04 The 4th best photograph is captured by Nick Dale from United Kingdom.

His capture of a golden tiger is a best photograph mixed with darkness his capture of this Bengal tigress has taken so that her shadow lies on the water her orange and black stripes with white patches on her head shows her gloriousness which has given good light and look to the photograph.

#05 This is a photograph by Naomi Rose from United States. She has captured this when he has gone to dive with his friend in the Pacific Ocean. This is an awesome and attractive scenery.

#06 This is a capture of a fox by Vladmir Cech that seems to be taken at night.

#07 This is a beautiful capture of a bird by Andy Pollard.

When are you traveling around the city, humans are not the only living species. When we look up at the sky, there are sometimes surprises.

#08 A bird’s capture by Lawrance Worcester highlights Urban Wildlife. This is a song bird who pulls.

#9 This is a rabbit captured by Femke Van Willigen who is from United Kingdom.

#10 This is photographed by Joseph Shaffery.

#11 This nature photograph is captured by Dipanjan Pal he has succeed. The beautiful river flowing he has captured is mostly seeming like an art. This art of nature is exceptional so does the photographer.

#12 This mammal is captured by Darren Donovan. This photograph is also excellent as he has used the best filter goes with the animal’s behavior.

#13 Jocelyn Ching has captured this beautiful moment of animal playing.

#14 This capture is by Vittorio Ricci which shows the behavior of Amphibians and Reptiles. They are European common brown frogs during spring season.

#15 This is captured by Doron Talmi.

These are fungi and plants. South Eastern USA is known as an area with numerous swamps, lakes and bayous which is filled with thousands of large ‘’ bald cypress ‘’ trees are growing in the water. These beautiful sceneries are mostly seen when the November comes. This is a handheld capture from a kayak at a misty down in a lake in East Texas.

#16 This is a capture by Harry Skeggs.

This is a black and white huge elephant has captured this lonely elephant with great tuskers he seems to a big size one with tusks.

#17 This is photographed by Christa Funk.

He has captured excellent scenery of under water. He has taken this image when he and his friend has gone to dive in the Pacific Ocean. He has said that this day when he and dived under the ocean with his friend, the tons of fishes have let us to swim around them.

#18 Patric Nowotny has captured this awesome image of fighting lions.

This shows an interloper has approached towards a watering hole in the Serengeti that was claimed by a small pride of lions. When the lioness came close pride wanted her to drive away and pride attacked her so that she leaves the place.

#19 This is captured by Heiko Mennigen from Germany.

#20 This photograph has taken by Naabarun Majumdar who was from India. He has captured beautiful scenery of tigers playing in the water.

#21 This is captured by Mustafa Demirors. He has managed to photograph a gorgeous view of earth’s landscape in Sweden.

#22 This is photographed by Shawna Hinkel from united states.

#23 Adrina Rivas has captured this image.

#24 This capture is by Arlette Magiera.

#25 Melissa Robertson has captured this beautiful scenery.

#26 Mr.Endy has captured this photograph of reptile.

#27 Dr.Tze Siong Tan has captured this attractive view.

This is a conspicuous event of dragonfly and damselfly having sex. The photographer who was walking in the morning at gardens has seen this incident by chance and quietly and carefully captured this without scaring this.

#28 This is captured by Mark Mcinnis. This is a beautiful view.

#29 Susanna Patras has captured these fungies

#30 Janus Olajuan Boediman has captured this beautiful ants which are the smallest creature in the nature.

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