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Living in a busy town is more stressful than living in the countryside. In town always vehicle sounds and buildings. But when living in the countryside you have better environments like, after a long day of work and going outside to get fresh air, you can see your neighbor’s donkeys and their cute things. Donkeys are adorable that many people don’t know. if anyone sees a baby donkey, then they know how cute they are.

Their long ears, big eyes, and lipped mouths that hide big teeth are the things that donkeys look funny. Donkeys are kind-hearted and sensitive animals and they are great pets. Donkeys are hardworking animals. They support farmers in their farming activities like transporting things and they are perfect companions for farmers. We know most of you are stressed because of a lot of work. So, scroll down to check out cute donkey images that surely put a smile on your face.

#1 A small donkey

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#2 Fire swept through this down and this man in Colorado reunited with his donkey

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals
Eric GarnerReport

#3 Nice relationship between these two

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#4 Sweet smile

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#5 My dad cuddling our donkey

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#6 I was worried that my father would be lonely, then he sent this pic, he rescued it

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#7 Donkey sitting on a fence

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#8 Neighbour’s donkey comes to my poll for swimming

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#9 My dad sends this selfie to me with his Miniature Donkey

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#10 Baby donkey

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#11 My friend’s donkey sunbathing

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#12 Adorable baby donkey

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#13 Trying to get a photograph, but the donkey wants a cookie

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#14 Puss in boots with his friend’s donkey

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#15 Donkey in a cheerful mood

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#16 This donkey is 2 months old

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#17 Donkey hug

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#18 Newborn miniature donkey at the zoo

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#19 Always one cheeky one

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#20 He missed me

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#21 When he wants food

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#22 Baby donkey

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#23 My cousin’s cat and donkey

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#24 My baby donkey

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#25 Duncan the little donkey, enjoying the sun

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#26 Hi!

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#27 He is feeling good

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#28 Baby donkey, Kelly, it is so fluffy

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#29 Baby donkeys are so adorable

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#30 Mom and baby

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#31 This donkey is born today and everyone gives it a warm welcome

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#32 Always like to get in trouble

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#33 Breaking into the feed room for some breakfast

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#34 Donkey love

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#35 All day stressed work, but when hanging out with a donkey can relieve the stress

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#36 Lovely relationship

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#37 A new one to the family

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#38 Donkey mid sneeze

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#39 Stay strong!

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

#40 Who resembles Carlos today?

Amazing 40 Pictures That Proves Donkeys Are Also Cute Animals

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